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Schedule your free call with one of our Tableau Consultants.


Accelerate your adoption & usage of Tableau. Increase your speed to insights with the support of the Axxio team.


Our consultants will share best practices, tips & tricks to ensure you are using Tableau to its full potential.


Start or improve your journey to become a data-driven organisation. Our experts are here to guide you in the proces

Our Process


Identify what questions you are going to answer with the data you have and what data you’ll need to get to answer others.


Bring in the data you have, ensure it’s ready for use, and make sure it’s accurate compared to your existing reports (if they exist).


Leverage insightful visualizations, at the correct level of detail, to answer your business questions.


Publish reports and data sources to the right teams, with the correct permissions for data use.


Ensure your internal resources can solve common problems and evolution needs.


Empower teams with insights for day-to-day decision making.
Avoid wasting time and money on learning about Tableau.
Quickly derive value from your existing data.
Promote clarity in the organization about what is actually happening and influencing key business operations.

Click on Your Tableau Consulting
Challenge to See Solutions

Wide range of options
No Coding
Interactive Dashboards
Publishing Made Simple
Ad hoc Analysis
Get Email Alerts On Changes
Deployment Made Simple
Easy to back up & Restore

Tableau consultants generate automated analytics solutions within Tableau desktop, published on Tableau server or Tableau online for viewing. Tableau consulting is a form of consulting, with a focus on using Tableau as the reporting or embedded analytics solution.

Tableau is widely recognized as one of the top reporting tools to appeal to visualization. So, it’s both a reporting tool and a data visualization tool. Using Tableau provides data visualizations in the form of worksheets and dashboards. It’s a flexible and secure end-to-end analytics tool for business data.

Tableau is superior when it comes to visuals and dashboards, and Excel is a spreadsheet tool we need in order to perform multi-layered calculations.

The great thing about Tableau software is that it doesn’t require any technical or any kind of programming skills to operate.

To send an email from a Tableau dashboard use Tableau Server Subscriptions. Subscriptions send an image of the entire dashboard, which also acts as a link to the dashboard. It’s possible to add custom text to Tableau subscription emails, set a time for when to send, and not to send the email if the dashboard is empty.

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