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Why Should You Invest in Managed Data Analytics in 2024?

Data analytics managed services streamline and simplify business processes and help solve complex data challenges. We’ll discuss the importance of managed data analytics and reasons to invest in the data-driven decision-making model.

We live in a complex world where businesses have to adapt to the changing conditions constantly. In such instances, you cannot afford to ignore the importance of data and business analytics. When huge amounts of data are generated daily, your business can benefit from the hidden patterns, trends, and insights it offers. This is done by investing in data analytics solutions. You can make proactive business decisions and stay ahead of your competitors by implementing the data-driven model. 

As per a report by Fortune Business Insights, the global big data analytics market is likely to touch $348.21 billion in 2024 and reach $924.39 billion by 2032 at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 13%. This indicates the growing demand for managed data analytics services. Whether you own a small, medium-sized, or large enterprise, data analytics is a worthy investment choice to expand your establishment and become successful.

In this blog, let’s find out more about the importance of managed analytics in 2024.

What is a Managed Data Analytics Service?

Managed analytics services are end-to-end data analytics solutions, starting from strategy formation to deployment, transformation of data to insights, and reporting through data visualizations. Without building an in-house team, you can rely on a third-party provider to handle the necessary aspects. This is different from the traditional approach, where your employees take care of everything. 

Instead of hiring more employees or sharing your internal resources, you hire a service provider to work on the project and share the reports with you in real-time. Managed analytical models are hosted on the cloud platforms. The dashboards are integrated with your systems so that your employees can access the insights and reports whenever necessary. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to adopt the data-driven model for decision-making. 

managed data analytics

Reasons to Invest in Managed Data Analytics in 2024

Managed analytics services accelerate the adoption of data-driven models and allow businesses to use intelligence reports for daily decision-making. Service providers offer the necessary expertise, technology, tools, support, training, guidance, and documentation to ensure you can reduce costs while increasing overall business productivity and performance. 

Here are a few important reasons to opt for managed analytics in 2024: 

Access to Expertise

The biggest reason to opt for managed data analytics is to gain direct access to industry expertise. Instead of spending your resources on recruiting a team of professionals, you can work with experts from outside to get the same or better results. Additionally, service providers have diverse teams with data analysts, data engineers, AI and ML engineers, data scientists, etc. This can vastly benefit your business. 

Efficient Data Management

Managing internal and external data can be a challenge for many businesses. However, when you partner with managed service providers, you can easily overcome the problem. The company will streamline your data sources, set up the necessary connections, and build a central data repository on-premises or on the cloud. The managed service provider will directly deliver the insights to your dashboards. You don’t need to hire another partner for data management. 

Greater Data Security and Governance

No business can ignore data security and governance in today’s world. The last thing you want is to end up with a lawsuit for breaching data protection laws. With analytics managed services, you can ensure that the service provider will help you comply with the relevant laws and regulations in your region. They also implement multiple security measures to keep your data safe and minimize the risk of cyberattacks. 

Make Informed Decisions 

Business decisions backed by data and analytical insights are much more likely to give the desired results than relying on guesswork. While your employees’ experience is valuable, relevant analytical reports can support and support it to make important decisions. Additionally, managed analytics are delivered to customized dashboards and are easily accessible by employees from different departments. This simplifies the process and results in quality decision-making.

Optimize Resource Allocation 

Another advantage of partnering with a managed analytics provider is the chance to optimize the use of your business resources. When you have an in-house team, you should distribute your resources among all departments. This can increase the overheads and lead to budget constraints. However, with a managed service provider, you don’t have to dilute your resources. The third-party company will use its resources for the project. 

Greater Focus on Core Business 

When you outsource additional tasks to experts, your in-house teams can continue to focus on their jobs without distractions or excess workload. Your middle-level teams and C-level executives can work on the core business activities like strengthening the brand position and increasing revenue, while the service provider supplies the necessary and reliable insights for analysis and decision-making.

Faster Time-to-Market 

We live in fast-paced worlds where the early bird gets the worm. Businesses cannot spend too much time completing the production cycle. However, you cannot compromise quality. So, the best way to achieve your goals is to hire a managed analytics partner to deliver the insights that can be directly implemented in the business to streamline and automate workflows. 

Reduce Risks 

With data analytics managed services, you can mitigate risks at various levels and strengthen your business processes. The external experts will assist your employees in correctly implementing the models and effectively using the data visualization dashboards for day-to-day work. You can take advantage of the latest technologies and tools without making major investments or worrying about ROI. Additionally, businesses can scale the systems without building everything from scratch. 

Enhanced Customer Experience 

Businesses need to keep their end goal in sight at all times. Managed analytics supports R&D, production, marketing, and customer service teams to work together and enrich customer experience with the enterprise. This will increase your brand image, generate greater revenue, and allow your business to expand into newer markets with ease. You can build a loyal customer base and continue to stay one step ahead of your competitors. 

What are the 4 Types of Analytics?

Data and managed analytics are divided into four major types based on why and when it is used in businesses.

Descriptive Analytics 

Descriptive analytics is the basic type of analysis where historical data is processed to describe the events that occurred. It is used as a tool to understand the past performance of the business. This analytics is performed by different departments like production, sales and marketing, finance, operations, etc. It is also helpful in identifying the relationship between the customers and the business. 

Diagnostic Analytics 

Diagnostic analytics is used to determine the root cause of a problem or understand why certain events have occurred. For example, the sales team can diagnose the reason for lesser sales during a period. By processing historical and current data, you can analyze the sales graph for different months and note if there are any patterns to the changes. Diagnostic analytics presents correlations and reasons, which can be used to take corrective steps and achieve the desired results. 

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is where historical data is processed to predict future trends and events based on the past. It determines the likeliness of an outcome or the possibility of an event happening based on past data. Predictive analytics uses machine learning, data mining, and other advanced technologies to analyze large datasets. Sales forecasting and time series analysis are two commonly used methods of predictive analytics in a business. 

Prescriptive Analytics 

Prescriptive analytics is a type of advanced analytics that analyzes historical data to provide insights about what to do next or how to solve a potential problem before it affects the business. 

It is a combination of different subjects, technologies, and tools like statistics, ML, etc. Additionally, prescriptive analytics can be used for risk assessment, customer segmentation, detecting fraud, providing personal recommendations, and so on. It suggests the best possible action to manage the situation and get the desired outcomes. 

What is Management Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the process of collecting, storing, cleaning, and analyzing datasets to derive meaningful insights. It helps in identifying the hidden trends and patterns in historical and current data. Management data analytics is where you use the analytical tools and processes to understand business and customer data related to managing your establishment. For example, your managers from various departments and offices can access the data stored in a central repository to run analytics for day-to-day decision-making. That way, they can quickly decide the right action to take without relying on guesswork or waiting for permission from other departments.

What is the Future of Data Analytics in 2025?

Data & analytics managed services will continue to flourish in 2025. The increase in data creation makes it necessary for businesses to invest in managed analytics to derive actionable insights and achieve their goals. Moreover, the growing demand for artificial intelligence, machine learning, edge computing, and IoT (Internet of Things) makes data analytics a part of the changing business landscape. 

Every industry can benefit from data analytics. Automating the analytical process can streamline internal business operations and aid employees in making effective decisions in real time. Various data visualization and business intelligence tools like Power BI, Tableau, Qlik, etc., are used by enterprises to access the reports. 

In 2025, data analytics will redefine data-driven strategies in a business and promote digital transformation through the following: 

  • Artificial intelligence-powered analytics 
  • Augmented analytics combining ML and NLP (natural language processing) 
  • Edge computing for real-time insights 
  • Quantum computing for analytics 
  • Continuous intelligence 
  • Integration with blockchain for greater transparency and security 
  • Greater adoption of managed analytics for unstructured data 
  • Addressing data privacy and ethical AI concerns 
  • Collaborative and embedded analytics 
  • Personalized insights with tailored recommendations 
  • Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud analytics 
  • Automation of data governance and compliance 

Additionally, developments like using reinforcement learning in analytics may also be seen shortly. The sooner you invest in managed analytics, the more opportunities your business will have to gain a competitive edge and become successful in the global market. 


Every business organization has to make smart decisions in today’s competitive markets. You should stay ahead of others and grab opportunities quickly to expand your business. This cannot be possible without artificial intelligence, data analytics, business intelligence, and advanced technologies. 

Here, the leading business analytics companies help enterprises seamlessly adopt new technology without worrying about budgets and recourses. Empower your employees with real-time insights shared across personalized dashboards. Make proactive decisions to grow your business and reach new heights. 

Schedule an appointment with our experts to learn more! 

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Akansha Rani ~ Content Creator & Copy Writer

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